Dan Anton from BacklinksIndexer

Daniel Anton SEO [Behind the Best Backlink Indexer Software]

Hello and welcome to BacklinksIndexer.com! Daniel Anton is the SEO SaaS (Software as a Service) creator behind BacklinksIndexer.com. The problem arose in 2010, when Daniel Anton was trying to get a webpage indexed by Google. After researching why Google and other search engines were not “finding” the webpages and links, he realized it was not enough to simply have a large website, or have multiple website mentions (backlinks) on the web. They had to be found and INDEXED!

After weeks of research, and multiple paid products purchased, Daniel Anton realized SEO and indexing was becoming monotonous, and a full-time job. He had to buy different accounts, set them up, order services, connect APIs, captcha programs, scrapers, content creation, and servers. Entirely frustrated by the lack of systemization, Daniel Anton saw an opportunity to leverage his Computer Science background, and creating an efficient, scalable way to index backlinks, at an affordable price. As a retired military veteran, who served two tours in Iraq as an Infantry Airborne Army Ranger Major, Daniel Anton did not want to become another product launcher, who did not support his products completely. He wanted something where he added value each day and month to the lives of people who he was helping (by helping solve his own problem, he inadvertently created a much needed and useful service).

While much has changed since 2010, the service is still considered the best indexing software by respected names in the industry such as Zont SEO here:


“As for the results, well clearly again Backlinks Indexer is winning… A big change! Most of the services seem to have no impact from Google Penguin, however Backlinks Indexer has shot up to over 27% indexed and is now so far ahead of the others that it’s an obvious winner. We can only assume that whatever linking they created has been been given more authority after the last update, it’s a massive jump and shows that whatever they are doing is clearly different to the other services which are all pretty much equal at 16%-17% or so”

In SEO , Search Engine Optimization marketing, the landscape changes daily if not hourly. To have a piece of software so widely used and praised, has garnered it one of the most active and successful organic SEO software services to date (not including software which tracks rankings, but rather ones rooted in results, an important distinction). BacklinksIndexer is here to stay, and plans on being in business for another 8 years, and helping get backlinks indexed effectively and affordably.

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